﴿• Lilyth Furyi •﴾

“And you believe you know what it means to be a monster?
...you have no idea...
...but I'm going to show you.”

InformationBackgroundOOC Info

﴿• General Information •﴾

﴿• •﴾“That was my nature - going from temptation after temptation - not to sin, but to be redeemed.”﴿• •﴾

﴿• •﴾“None of us really changes over time; we only become more fully what we are.”﴿• •﴾

﴿• •﴾“Go where the pain is, go where the pleasure is.”﴿• •﴾

"How do we seem to you? Do you find us beautiful and magical? Our white skin, our fierce eyes? 'Drink,' you ask me. Do you have any idea of the things you will become?"

Server: Crystal - Mateus
Apparent Age: 28
Actual Age: over 600
Height: 5 fulms, 5 ilms
Build: Athletic, Fit
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual - Male Leaning
Relationship Status: Single
﴿••﴾ Occupation ﴿••﴾
Courtesan at the Phoenix Lounge
Protector of the Innocent
Voidsent Hunter
NSFW Info Page

﴿••﴾ Appearance ﴿••﴾
Lilyth is a short, lithe hyur beauty with waist-length crimson hair, piercing ice blue eyes so pale they are nearly white with a very subtle eerie glow behind them lined dark with kohl to accentuate them. Creamy pale skin the color of moonlight covers her voluptuous body and always she is wearing some form of either leather or clothing colored black or a shade of red.
During the day, its almost impossible to find her without her dark shades - that is, if you see her during the day. A night owl by nature, though she can enjoy the day just fine, she is more often than not a creature of the night.On her back she sports a very elaborate arcane tattoo that is painted over the same markings scarred into her back with mystical arcane symbols of binding etched in on its edges. Also to note, her nipples are pierced with silver barbells, as is her navel.

﴿••﴾ RP Hooks ﴿••﴾Mor Dhona
*Having spent a very long time in the wilds of Mor Dhona and she often finds herself drawn back to that area. Though she makes her home in Ul'dah, at present, when she is not there and working at the Phoenix Lounge, or off hunting evil to protect those who cannot protect themselves, she is usually found in Mor Dhona or Revenant's Toll. *
Voidsent Hunter / Protector of the Innocent
After the joining, a new person emerged from the combined mass of the elezen and the succubus - and she was chaos incarnate. For hundreds of years, she warred with her two sides and left destruction in her wake. These days, whether to atone or to genuinely be a better person, Lilyth does all she can to fight the forces of evil, protect the innocent and even hunt those of her own kind.
Having been introduced to the Phoenix Lounge by a former lover, Lilyth decided to stick around after they parted and help the business build up. Given her nature, she felt the best way to do that - and to make some money - would be to hire on as a courtesan and put her skills and talents to work.
(Please read her NSFW Page for the more naughty bits of information about her.)
Although this is her most protected secret, and she guards it closely, Lilyth is the amalgamation of a succubus that was merged with the soul of an imbued and mystically-etched elezen with the expressed intent of binding the voidsent to that mortal's soul in an effort to empower that mortal. The result: a new person - a succubus with a conscious and a moral code. Those with the ability to see/perceive aether would see her as having the taint of the void on her but not so strongly as to be perceived as pure-voidsent.
(Please read OOC Info for information on how I play her regarding being a voidsent.)
Very Old
Lilyth has lived for hundreds upon hundred of years. She has seen calamities, conquerors, and now the end of the world averted. Perhaps it is her wisdom you seek or, perhaps, you are long lived as well and remember seeing her in times long past? The options are limitless.
I am open to other hooks. Just get a hold of me and we can work something out!

﴿• •﴾“We enjoy the night, the darkness, where we can do things that aren’t acceptable in the light. Night is when we slake our thirst.”﴿• •﴾

﴿• •﴾“Evil is always possible. Goodness is a difficulty.”﴿• •﴾

﴿• •﴾“Come on, say it again! I'm a perfect devil - tell me how bad I am.”﴿• •﴾

﴿• Background •﴾

﴿• •﴾“They are not demons, not devils...worse than that. They are people.”﴿• •﴾

"To live is to suffer. To drink of calamity and drown in anguish. To toil and be tested, always and ever."

This is Lilyth's more recent history, continued where her Deep History Background left off.
If you are interested in reading how Lilyth became what she is - a voidsent succubus with a moral compass and conscience - you can read it in her Deep History Background.

﴿• A Life Reborn •﴾

...Now empowered with some new tricks, and a shiny new weapon, Lilyth took to the battlefield once more. It wasn't just Garleans she slaughtered and fed on but anyone who threatened or harmed the innocent. Driven by a need for redemption for once being like those she hunted, she became the monster in the night who made the bad guys quake and jump at shadows.It was, like this, she lived her life. Occasionally she would take odd-jobs among the city-states, never staying in one location so long that she would be noticed to not age. She continued her fight to help the helpless every chance she got and whenever the Garlean Empire poked up its head and pushed for more conquest, she was there to sink her teeth into them and do all she could to push them back - sadly, most often, to no avail.

﴿• Surviving the End & New Beginnings •﴾

Then the Calamity to end all Calamities came - the Final Days - and with it, a whole new enemy to combat. Having defeat her own despair centuries ago, Lilyth launched into the fight against the Blasphemies which consumed the people of Etheirys. When the Final Days were averted and peace fell upon the land, along with the end of the Garlean Empire, Lilyth made her way to Ul'dah to figure out the next leg of her long journey.It was there she took on a lover who led her to the Phoenix Lounge, a bar and resort that had a special side service of escorts. With no enemy to fight, but still singularly talented in the arts of seduction and also a little short on gil, Lilyth decided to change up the pace a bit and applied to be one of their courtesan's. The world was quiet now, after all, and while the innocent would always need protecting from those who would harm them, it was less of a need than it had been. She needed something to distract herself and occupy her time.She'd had enough bloodshed, now was the time for pleasure and relaxation...for the time being.

﴿• Deep History Background •﴾

﴿• •﴾“Sometimes the world no longer needs heroes...what it needs is a monster.”﴿• •﴾

﴿• •﴾“Why think separately of this life and the next when one is born from the last? Time is always too short for those who need it, but for those who love, it lasts forever.”﴿• •﴾

﴿• •﴾“No matter how far your journey may take you, you stand where you stand by virtue of the road you walked to get there.”﴿• •﴾

"I have been waiting an eternity for a man of your strength to arrive.
But what kind of man crawls into his own grave in search of hope?"

﴿• Before the Joining •﴾

In the beginning, there was Lilyth - a powerful succubus from the Void brought to the Source by the void mages of Mhach with her Lady, Scathach. A faithful servant hellbent on nothing but her Mistress' will and her ever pervasive hunger for the life force of the aether-rich beings of her new home, she served dutifully for many years. When her Mistress was imprisoned during the War of the Magi, however, so was she. However, when the Mhachi attempted to bind her to power their Ark, along with her Mistress, Lilyth found a way to escape and disappeared into the wilds.For centuries upon centuries, Lilyth the Succubus was the epitome of her kind - ruthless, animalistic, blood thirsty. Without her Mistress, she had only the hunger for aether. Intelligent and powerful, even in the hyur vessel the mages had put her in, Lilyth survived the Great Flood and avoided hunters who sought to end her for being a voidsent.

﴿• Becoming One •﴾

Eventually, a passionate and obsessed Sharlayan Elezen by the name of Igreanne, who had studied voidsent all her life, managed to corner Lilyth with a group of hunters. She didn't want to kill the succubus though. She had a theory, one she hoped to put her in the history books and advance the knowledge for her people.With the most powerful of binding magicks known at the time, she carved runes and symbols not just into her skin but into her very soul and, through a very elaborate ritual, tried to take into her own body Lilyth's essence and soul to merge with her own. Yet something happened, something she hadn't expected - the two beings, once separate, did indeed merged together, but in such a way the two physical body melted together and, moments later, reformed into a completely new person - a short hyur-looking female with long crimson hair, piercing white eyes, pale skin the color of moonlight and sharp fangs where her canines had been - and that very elaborate scar etched into her back, made black with scorch marks that made it look like it had been inked on.What remained in that body was a woman with the hunger and desires of the succubus but with the mortal's morals, passions and drive. Good and evil, the war eternal, raged inside her as the two-souls-made-one tried to figure out what they were. She was voidsent but...not. In her fit of confusion and chaos, and an intense hunger to regain her strength from the merging, she slaughtered and massacred everyone who had helped with the ritual. None were left alive, all entirely drained of their aether, and some of their blood. It was horrific.Fleeing the site of the massacre, Lilyth took refuge in a cave deep in Mor Dhona. For over a century, she stayed in that cave, feeding off the animals and hunters and travelers who passed near as she tried to sort the chaos within herself. It was a long process and the outcome was not the prettiest when she emerged...

﴿• The Blood Lady •﴾

Food became scarce for the creature living within the cave and so she was driven from her comfort out into the world. She traveled for a long time, no longer driven crazy by the war within her, and eventually met a dark-souled Ishgardian elezen whom she began to develop feelings for. Learning what she was, instead of fleeing or trying to kill her, he embraced her and with his considerable fortune and being a Lord, offered to take care of her and give her all she could desire - including an unlimited supply of victims for her to feed on. In exchange, she would use her succubus wiles, allure and powers to manipulate his enemies and advance his power-hungry desires.With their manor on the edges of Coerthas' territory, and the country embroiled in what would become a millennia-long war with the dragons, they were left mostly unmolested and to their own devices so long as they remained fairly under the radar.They did not, however, remain so for long. Soon Lilyth's blood lust became too great, her victim pool so plentiful, that she desired more and more. It started to become hard for her husband to keep her satisfied. As her cravings began to drive her mad once more, and the part of her soul that abhorred what she was doing fought harder against the void within her, she began to lose herself. She became ruthless beyond measure, losing her subtlety, and began to decimate and feed upon her husband's rivals and making more open gestures outside of the shadows.Eventually they grew enough notice that a sect within Ishgard marched on their manor, branding them heretics. None in the manor survived, save for Lilyth who fought with her husband until he died before massacring the remaining war party that came for them as the manor burned with the cleansing fires of Halone around her. With the manor in ashes, and everything she knew dead, the crazed voidsent fled into the cold night.

﴿• The War Eternal •﴾

Returning to her cave in Mor Dhona, not knowing where else to go, Lilyth sank into a deep depression. Not only had she lost her first love, an equally dark and twisted soul like herself, but she slipped into withdrawls as the scarce food source of the wastes around her drove her hunger into the extreme. The madness continued to haunt her, twisting her thoughts as the good and evil in her soul stirred their centuries old battle in full.She didn't know how long she wallowed in the dank depths of that cave but years upon years had passed. At first the void within her, the demon succubus, held its own in its war against the hume's soul inside her. Yet, the hume's soul was a resilient one and embolden by the power etched within the binding runes on their merged entity, and her physical body, it eventually began to wear down and win over the darker side of its twin.The more it won, the more its conscience began to sink in. Guilt and pain flooded Lilyth for all the harm she had done, the lives she had taken, the massacres she'd caused. The years stretched on as she sank into even deeper into the pits of depression, barely eating and barely surviving and even when she did eat, it was only on the weakened aether of the animals and creatures around her.

﴿• Emergence •﴾

Eventually she worked herself out of her depression, though it took decades upon decades, and her starvation pushed her to emerge once more into the world outside her cave. By this time, she realized, centuries more had passed. The world was changed and the memory of her husband's house was long gone, only a bedtime story to scare children into behaving. Everything was different and now there was an Empire on the move, conquering all in its path.Seeing the destruction and plight of those that Empire tried to subjugate, and driven by her newly formed and dominant conscience that was set on changing her from the monster she had always been to a more productive member of society, Lilyth found a pleasant medium. In helping the innocent who were being targeted, and fighting this Empire, she could sate her bloodlust and have all the food she'd require.Sinking deep behind enemy lines, Lilyth became the nightmare that haunted the Garlean's dreams. It was in the frozen wastes of the North she learned of Garleans who bound themselves to creatures of the void, succeeding where the elezen who bound and merged with her had failed. Being already possessed of a voidsent, she learned all she could from this sect of Garleans before destroying those who taught her their ways of combat.(Story is continued on her general background page...)

﴿• OOC Information •﴾

﴿••﴾ 18+ only • Walk-Ups / PMs OK • All RPs Welcome ﴿••﴾Thank you for getting this far!Hope you enjoyed the read!I am a 21+ gamer who has been playing FFXIV for over a year now. I love this game and everything about it and I am super excited about the amazing RP community! I am a para to multi-para RPer though I often mirror my RP partners with their writing. I am open to all kinds of RP, including dark, triggering, adult, violence, etc. I only ask that any RPs which result in permanent modification of my character's appearance go through me first OOCly.I prefer to stick as close to lore as possible, but I don't mind bending it from time-to-time - as apparent by this character in particular. I will not, however, break lore completely. I am very knowledgeable in FFXIV lore and am happy to share that knowledge and work with it to develop the best story we can write!Also I am a huge stickler for keeping IC in-character and OOC out-of-character. I do not blend and I expect my RP partners to not blend either.Discord: FelVyper#2101

﴿••﴾ Lorebending and How I Play a Voidsent ﴿••﴾For the most part, in public, I play Lilyth like a late-twenties hyur who is simply working as a courtesan at a lounge ad occasionally going out to make the world a better place. Only in long-term RP and private storylines with people I am comfortable with would it be something that comes out unless pre-discussed as an RP hook. I don't play her OP. That is my choice and how I choose to play her.I understand that playing a voidsent character is frowned upon by some and to that, I say: if you don't like her being voidsent, then simply don't interact!
I won't bring it up unless its something I know my writing partner is interested in and wants to engage with so there is opportunity for RP with this character that does not involve her voidsent/succubus side.

﴿••﴾ Lilyth's Character Inspiration ﴿••﴾Bo Dennis (from Lost Girl)
Elizabeth Bathory, the Blood Countess
Lilyth's Vibes Playlist
(on Spotify)

﴿••﴾ What I'm Looking For ﴿••﴾
Para to Multi-Para Writing, Long-term Story Arcs, Character Development, Detailed Characters and Writing, Short-term Interactions
Friends, Lovers, Deep Romance, Enemies﴿••﴾ Types of RP I Enjoy ﴿••﴾
Dark/Mature Themes, Adventure, Combat, Voidsent, Arcane, Voidsent Hunting, Erotic, Occult
﴿••﴾ Types of RP I'm Open To ﴿••﴾
Mystery, Criminal, Triggering, Injury to My Character (pre-discussed only)
﴿••﴾ What I'm Not Interested In ﴿••﴾
Permanent Death, Severe Lore Breaking, Bleeding IC and OOC, OOC Romance. Erotic Hard Limits - No Vore, Scat, Watersports or Loli

﴿• •﴾

﴿• •﴾

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﴿• NSFW Page •﴾

﴿• •﴾“Things on the essential list: vodka, a steady supply of mortal men, and an all-purpose bitchy attitude.”﴿• •﴾

﴿• •﴾“Life is delicious; waste not one bite!”﴿• •﴾

"I have no interest in beasts who only howl."

You MUST BE over 18 years of age to be on this page!

Looks Late 20s • Female - Switch
Pansexual - Male Leaning

﴿••﴾ Being a Courtesan & a Succubus ﴿••﴾As mentioned in my OOC Info, for the most part, in public, I play Lilyth like a late-twenties hyur who is simply working as a courtesan at a lounge ad occasionally going out to make the world a better place. Only in long-term RP and private storylines with people I am comfortable with would it be something that comes out unless pre-discussed as an RP hook. I don't play her OP. That is my choice and how I choose to play her.During a booking with a patron, I will not have Lilyth feed either on that patron's blood or aether without it being requested, either OOCly or ICly, by that patron and, even then, will only do so if there is a reason for her to do it in the scene aside from her just 'being a succubus'. Ways this could come about, if desired, is your character (already) has a way to identify her as being a succubus, in as much as she is, and somehow 'discovers her'. If this doesn't work for you, but you would like the vampiric experience that comes with how she feeds (sometimes by blood, sometimes by just sucking the aether out of another person), we can discuss it OOCly and figure out something that would work!I understand that playing a voidsent character is frowned upon by some and to that, I say: if you don't like her being voidsent, then simply don't interact!
I won't bring it up unless its something I know my writing partner is interested in and wants to engage with so there is opportunity for RP with this character that does not involve her voidsent/succubus side.

﴿• Primary Interests •﴾

These are a few of Lilyth's primary interests as well as her hard-limits.
For a bit more intricate of a list of her interests, check out her KinkSheet!
Primal Sex
Choking/Breath Play
Orgasm Control
Extreme Sex Themes
Public/Stealth Penetration
Clothed Sex
Knife Play
Blood Play
Group Sex
Tantric Sex
Wall Sex
Sensory Deprivation
Impact Play
Watersports, Scat, Vore, Gore